[2022] 134 taxmann.com 154 (Bombay)
Saiher Supply Chain Consulting (P.) Ltd
Union Of India
WRIT PETITION (L.) NO. 1275 OF 2021
JANUARY 10, 2022
Ishaan Patkar, Ms. Nidhi Shah and Ms. Jindagi Shah for the Petitioner. N.R. Bubna, Swapnil Bangur and L.P. Sawant for the Respondent.
R.D. Dhanuka, J. —Leave to amend is granted to amend the prayer Clause (c) and to correct the date of third refund application mentioned as ‘3-9-2020′ as ’30-9-2020’. Amendment be carried out within a period of two days from today. Re-verification is dispensed with.
Mr.Bubna, learned counsel for Respondent No.1 and Mr.Bangur, learned counsel for Respondent No.2 waives service of notice. By consent of learned counsel for the parties, Petition is heard finally.
By this Petition filed under Article 226 of the Constitution of India, the Petitioner seeks declaration that, Rule 90(3) of the Central Goods and Services Tax Rules, 2017 is ultra vires the Constitution of India and the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 and consequently strike down the same. The Petitioner also a seeks writ of certiorari for quashing and setting aside the rejection Order dated 26th November 2020 and seeks an Order and direction to restore the third refund application dated 30th September 2020 of the Petitioner filed by the Respondent No.2 and to decide the same on merits.
The Petitioner filed the first refund application for the period July 2018 to September 2018 on 21st August 2020 online on the GST portal. The said application however was rejected by the Respondent No.2 on 5th September 2020 on the ground that there were certain deficiencies in the said application.
The Petitioner thereafter filed second refund application on 8th September 2020. The Respondent No.2 rejected the said second refund application by pointing out deficiency by Order dated 23rd September 2020.
The Petitioner thereafter filed third refund application on 30th September 2020. The Respondent No.2 however rejected the said third refund application by Order dated 26th November 2020 on the ground that the said application was time barred. The Petitioner filed this Writ Petition inter-alia praying for restoration of the third refund application and for various other reliefs.
Mr.Patkar, learned counsel for Petitioner invited our attention to the impugned Order passed by the Respondent No.2 on 26th November 2020 rejecting the third refund application filed by the Petitioner on the ground of time barred refund application. Learned counsel invited our attention to the Order passed by the Hon’ble Supreme Court on 23rd March 2020 in Re: Cognizance for Extension of Limitation (Order dated 23rd March 2020), reported in 2020 SCC Online SC 343, in Suo Motu Writ Petition (Civil) No. 3 of 2020, and more particularly paragraph Nos.2 and 3 which read thus :-