Partnership /
A general partnership consists of partners who take part in the day-to-day procedures/activity of the partnership are who have liability as owners.There may also be limited partners. It may be further divided into :
a. Partnership at will
b. Particular Partnership
What do you get?
DIN & DSC for all partners
Pan Card and TAN number
Agreement Drafting
Contracts & Agreement templates
Registration Certificate
Consultation & Advisory
Prerequisites for Partnership
Minimum 1 Shareholder
Minimum 1 Directors
The directors and shareholders can be same person
Minimum 1 Nominee
Only Indian residents can be Shareholder & Nominee
Minimum 1 Director must be Indian Resident
Minimum Authorised Share Capital to be Rs. 1 Lac
DIN (Director Identification Number) for all Directors
DSC (Digital Signature Certificate) for 1 Promoters & 1 witness
Lists of Documents
Form 1 (Application for Registration under Partnership Act)
Original Copy of Partnership Agreement/ Deed signed by all partner and duly stamped
PAN card of partners
Aadhar card of partners
Affidavit declaring intention to become a partner
Rent agreement of property as may be applicable
Process of registering Partnership
Submit Documents
Contact us and submit documents (1-2 Days)
DSC for all partners
DSC for all the Partners for trust (1 Day)
Securing Name
LLP-RUN Form for name approval (1 Day)
Form for Incorporation
Filing of Trust Incorporation Application (2-3 Days)
AOP signed
Issue of Certificate of Incorporation of the Trust (2-10 Days)
All post Compliances
Application for PAN Card and TAN. Form 3 with Agreement filed with ROC (1 Day)